S’razirr walked into the main chamber for the first time since he had
entered this crazed cultist cave. There were a number of robed individuals
bustling about preparing things. Then again, “preparing” might be a strong
word. Apart from the ones standing guard by their leader at the altar, they
were mostly just sweeping the cave floor dirt into other, apparently more
desirable dirt piles.
“And that was how I killed my mother” said Darren, walking in behind
him. “Serves her right for burning that loaf, eh?!”
S’razirr had tried to ignore his unfortunately friendly companion since
he awoke. However, it was hard to ignore something so constant and really, excessively graphic.
“So that’s my mother, father, sister, baker, neighbor, dog, neighbor’s
dog, friend’s neighbor’s mother’s dog...oh! I never told you about what I did
with my teacher, did I?! Well to start I went and bought thirty feet of rope, a
dead hog and a carving-”
“This is your ceremony room?” S’razirr interrupted.