It’s Friday, and that
means it’s Me-Putting-Words-On-A-Screen-And-Then-Sending-Them-Through-The-Internet-So-You-Can-Read-Them
Day. I tried to get that on calendars but they rejected my proposal. I argued
that it would be quite easy to include a magnifying glass with each calendar
sold, but they claimed I was missing the point.
Last Friday was a
momentous occasion. It was the first Friday since starting weekly updates on a
deadline that I completely failed to
update weekly on a deadline!
In my defense, the update
was a substantial one. Oblivion Adventures Part 20 clocks in at just about 6000 words. I spent almost that much on my recent Homestuck Music article, but lists are easier to write for and typically some of my longest
articles. My longest of all time is only about 6500, and that was for a massive
19 point list,
which I wrote when I had even less verbal constraint. Or writing talent. Wow
that’s old. Oh man, remember when the Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy let’s play
was current? No you don’t, stop lying
to me. So make no mistake, there was a lot that went into that last Oblivion
article, which is why you’re unlikely to get another right away.
I’ll assume this won’t
break your fragile little heart, because the aforementioned article currently
has exactly the same amount of views as the two filler posts before it. Like a
dozen, for those wondering. Including a couple from myself. I’ve refrained from posting Oblivion Adventures elsewhere
since it’s a running series already underway for a decade-old game. However, at
this point I might just say to hell with it and start posting that to reddit
too. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about marketing, it’s that shame is
something that happens to other people. If there’s a second thing I’ve learned
about marketing, it’s that confidence is paramount, at all times, because you
are always correct and other peoples’ opinions are bullshit. If there’s a third
thing I’ve learned about marketing, it’s that I do not want to be the kind of person who is naturally inclined
towards marketing.
I’d say we’re getting
off-track, but these posts are completely lacking in tracks with which to
remain on. We have abandoned the suffocating,
draconian shackles of writing with a point and are now riding the winged
unicycle of adventure through the skies of creativity and severely overwrought
prose, flipping Thomas the Tank Engine the bird on our way to the heavens. But
if I were to sprinkle the slightest hint
of focus to this tumultuous stew of word juices, the resulting broth would
taste like the following question: “If I’m not writing about Oblivion, what am I writing about?”
Well, as of this week,
nothing! Please see earlier image for reference on your current emotional
state. Fact is, I don’t yet feel like writing more Oblivion after such a large
entry. However, I don’t really have anything else to fill the void. I play
games these days, but progress is slow. Lately they’re purely weekend
activities, most days clogged to the brim working on various hobbies. The
metaphorical heart of my schedule is experiencing palpitations from all this
artery-blocking creativity. Sadly, none of it is anything I can write about.
Not because of interesting reasons, like secrets of some massive project or
presidential assassination I’m keeping squirreled away for later. Rather, it’s
just all incredibly boring. I’m writing,
drawing, composing, or designing games every day of the week, but doing all of
these things spread out across my few daily hours of free time ensures their
pace is like the more traditionalist class of glacier, the kind that grumbles
about how younger mass ice formations wear their pants too low.
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